Today, Tuesday 30 April 2024, the Government has responded to the cross-party Environmental Audit Committee (EAC)’s report on ‘Heat resilience and sustainable cooling’, which raised concerns over the UK’s lack of preparedness after the world’s hottest year on record.
In its response, the Government addresses recommendations made in the EAC report, including calls based on written and oral evidence given by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
RIBA President Muyiwa Oki said: “Our buildings are not ready for extreme heat. The Government’s response to expert recommendations demonstrates they lack a clear plan to tackle the threat of rising temperatures.
“If we are to set the country on a sensible path to deliver more resilient buildings and communities, we must urgently bring forward a National Retrofit Strategy to futureproof millions of homes.
“Disappointingly, even simple and cost-effective solutions put forward by MPs, like reversing the decline of urban green space, have been ignored.
“But it’s not too late to heed these warnings. Whoever forms the next government must step up, work with the sector and embed resilience in our building stock.”