LCRIG Learning and Innovation Festival: Discover the Industry Players Using Re-flow and How They Benefit from Re-flow Support

Re-flow LCRIG Innovation Festival

At Re-flow, they understand that as highways companies expand, communication between the field, office, and other parts of a business can become disjointed and unreliable. And they understand that manually tracking things like vehicle MOTs and equipment can waste a lot of time that would ideally be used more productively. 

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Adopting a digital field management solution should be a comprehensive fix for all these issues. But if software companies don’t come hand in hand with strong onboarding and support teams, digital transformations can sometimes seem more trouble than they’re worth. 

LCRIG Innovation and Learning Festival: Meeting Current Re-flow Clients and Growing Stronger Together

LCRIG Learning and Innovation Festival 2024 took place on 2-3 July in Kenilworth, near Coventry. It’s a festival designed to showcase new products, solutions, innovations, and techniques from across the highways sector.

At Re-flow they invest a lot of time and resources into their support and onboarding teams. Day in day out, the support staff are available for their clients at the other end of a phone call or an email. And trade shows offer an additional opportunity to discuss the software with their partners.

During Re-flow’s stay, they met up with Stephen Cook of Asphalt Group – and discussed in-detail upcoming Re-flow updates and the software’s new AI reporting feature. Together, they took the opportunity to run through these features with a comprehensive in-show demo. 

Other benefits for Asphalt included working on some custom forms, and adding bespoke functions based on their specific operational needs. They also arranged for an onsite visit in order to make sure Asphalt are using Re-flow to its maximum potential.

Kiely Group, who perform carriageway and footpath surfacing and surface treatments, visited the site and gave positive feedback on their ongoing use of the software. ‘Re-flow is great for us,’ they said. ‘The support team build forms and assist us with our problems really quickly.’ 

Similar themes were repeated often. They met up with Re-flow client MVIS Ltd., who deliver portable variable message signs and integrated intelligent transport systems solutions to leading highways management organisations throughout the UK. 

MVIS said, “The Re-flow support is fantastic. We get what we need and what we ask for.”

Seeing customers, understanding whether they’re having any issues with the software, getting feedback, and doing some live amendments, are core parts of providing world-class field management software that fits the highways industry perfectly.

Re-flow understand the industries they serve. Their field management software is the go-to solution for thousands of users for lots of reasons: 

  • The fact that Re-flow helps hundreds of companies reach their ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, and 2700 ambitions. 
  • The easy-to-use way the app lets admin schedule operatives, vehicles, and equipment. 
  • The way the dashboard and app notifies and updates in real-time, giving managers oversight of their operations.   
  • The ability to carve their own automated workflows, notifications, email sends, and enforce process to maintain compliance. 
  • The insights provided by AI reporting, which clarifies data, exposes trends, and helps businesses push for multiple savings. 

Re-flow is a powerful piece of field management software containing a suite of tools and forms. It is a truly configurable platform that scales to any size of business. And everything you need is one place.

Learn more about Re-flow’s award-winning field management software.

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